Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Good news

I decided to play dumb and pretend that I had never heard the EEG tech tell us it would be three business days before we got results. I called the neurology clinic today and left a message for the nurses asking if the results from Lizzie's EEG were in yet.

Several hours later, Dr. K himself called me. The first thing he asked was whether we were noticing any seizures, and I told him no. He said that was good, and then said that he had very good news--that Lizzie did not show any seizure activity on the EEG on Monday!

He did say that the EEG showed some slowing of her brain waves on the right side and that sometimes that's due to a structural abnormality, although he pointed out that her MRI didn't show any abnormalities. Basically he just indicated that they would keep an eye on that to see if further testing was needed, but he didn't seem terribly concerned about it.

Dr. K will draw blood from Lizzie at her next appointment in order to do a genetic test for a very rare type of epilepsy that is influenced by Vitamin B6. He also said that they are still waiting to get the results back for the genetic test for Dravet syndrome and they will let us know when that comes in.

The doctor said to keep doing what we're doing with the Keppra, the B6, and the folinic acid, and we don't need to take Lizzie back to see him until January. He told us to call sooner if she starts having more seizures again.

Obviously we're very happy that the news today was good! We will continue with the medicines she's on, and we will continue with the prayers, because they're definitely helping! Many, many thanks to everyone for your support and prayers. We'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. Just read your account of the EEG; that sounds like an awful experience--either to go through or to have to watch your baby go through. Stay strong!! So glad for the good results; will keep praying!
