Wednesday, February 29, 2012

9-month checkup

Saw the pediatrician today for Lizzie's 9-month checkup.  She weighed 17 lb. 3.5 oz.  Everything is looking good.  The doctor also said she did not hear the heart murmur that Lizzie had at one point.  We're glad to hear all is well!

We did ask about Lizzie's sleep habits.  She is a catnapper; she doesn't sleep for very long at a time during the day.  She also doesn't sleep through the night.  Some nights she's up three or four times.  The pediatrician said it could be one of three things: one, maybe she's just gotten used to that schedule and I need to not feed her in the middle of the night and just try to get her back to sleep; two, maybe her medication is causing sleep problems; or three, maybe her epilepsy affects the part of her brain that controls her sleep cycles.  She said just keep trying and maybe eventually she'll get on a better schedule.  Not enough sleep for Mommy in the meantime!

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