Wednesday, August 1, 2012

OT visit today

Lizzie's OT came again today.  She was glad to see that Lizzie's walking now; in fact, Lizzie has even been taking more steps at a time just in the last few days, so we're happy with her progress there.  The OT said Lizzie's motor skills seem to be doing just fine.  She commented on Lizzie's demeanor and noticed how cheerful she is.

Most of what we talked about was her language.  The OT asked if Lizzie ever seems to get frustrated that she can't communicate something to us, and we said not really. She said that kids who always seem to be okay with pretty much whatever--that can actually be a sign of a delay.  She asked us more questions, and observed Lizzie for a while.  The conclusion seems to be that Lizzie is a little delayed in her language skills, but is still making some progress.  We're going to keep an eye on it another month, and if she hasn't made very many gains by the end of August, they will see about getting a speech therapist for her. 

In the meantime, we will work on pointing to pictures and objects and naming them and helping Lizzie point at them too; we will practice giving her two options for things she wants and letting her choose;  we will give her directions and help her reinforce her responses (such as "Bring me the ball" and help her get the ball, or "Where's Mommy" and then I call her name and wave); we will work with her on animals and their sounds; and we will keep doing sign language with her.  The OT recommended a series of DVDs called Baby Signing Time; I've put those on hold at the library and will pick them up as soon as they're available.  So we have a lot of work to do this month!

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